Find a Practitioner Searchable Database
This database contains acupuncturists, herbalists, and other practitioners who have committed to preserving the principles of COM through learning, practicing, teaching, and/or social connections.
• COM Community Member*:
COM Community members have pledged their support to preserving and promoting the lifeworks and teachings of Dr. Leon Hammer through their paid membership to the Foundation. Community members include current students, alumni of Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine, as well as licensed practitioners or members of the general public who have an ongoing interest in studying COM and CCPD (Shen-Hammer Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis)
*Disclaimer: Licensure requirements and medical titles vary by state and local jurisdiction. The following list of COM Community members does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee on behalf of the Foundation of any individual practitioner’s treatment results or methods.
• Certified COM Practitioner:
These practitioners have completed a necessary minimal amount of training in COM and/or CCPD under certified instructors to receive “practitioner certification status” from The Foundation. These practitioners are further identified by the type of certification status they have received (COM Concepts, Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis, or both). Certified Practitioners receive a free listing in our practitioner database provided they demonstrate continued current proficiency of their skills through continuing education and refresher coursework at a predetermined interval.
• Certified Instructor:
The unique treatment concepts and pulse diagnostic skills (CCPD) of COM take years of dedicated study and apprenticeship to fully master. The teachers in this database of certified instructors have demonstrated a deep and comprehensive knowledge of COM and/or CCPD, and have received official acknowledgement and approval from Dr. Hammer and/or his appointed certification committee to provide students with mentorship and instruction. A more detailed list of certified instructors can also be found on our “Learn COM” webpage.