Find a Practitioner by Region PractitionersNortheast USSoutheast USWest USEuropeAustralia Board of Directors, Certified Instructors, PractitionersAllyson Lange-SostRead more PractitionersAmy GalvanRead more PractitionersBarbara HammerRead more Certified Instructors, PractitionersBrandt StickleyRead more PractitionersBrian La ForgiaRead more Certified Instructors, PractitionersClaus SørensenRead more Certified Instructors, PractitionersDr. Karen BiltonRead more PractitionersDr. Kye PevenRead more PractitionersDr. Maria ChahRead more PractitionersDr. Mark BodzislawRead more Certified Instructors, PractitionersDr. Mary Jo HayesRead more Board of Directors, Certified Instructors, PractitionersDr. Tracy SolteszRead more Certified Instructors, PractitionersHamilton RotteRead more Board of Directors, Certified Instructors, PractitionersJamin NicholsRead more PractitionersJennifer L. BurnsRead more Certified Instructors, PractitionersJiang ZhengRead more Certified Instructors, PractitionersLaisha Canner-WardRead more Certified Instructors, PractitionersRoss RosenRead more Board of Directors, Certified Instructors, PractitionersRyan DienerRead more Certified Instructors, PractitionersStephen HigginsRead more