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Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis: Large Segments of the Whole Pulse

Blue Willow Acupuncture 71 Adams St, Unit 1, First Floor, Milton, MD

Sponsored by the Dr. Leon Hammer Legacy Foundation 14 NCCAOM PDAs approved Topics will include: History of Shen-Hammer tradition Pulse systems comparisons Large Segments of the Pulse Stability of the…

$350 – $450

Five Element CSOE (Color, Sound, Odor, Emotion) Diagnostic Workshop

theDock - Centre for Social Impact 722 Cormorant Street, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Sponsored by the Dr. Leon Hammer Legacy Foundation This one day bonus workshop will introduce participants to the traditional diagnostic tools used to evaluate a patient's Five Element Constitutional Type.…

$175 – $225

Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis: Individual Primary and Complementary Positions

theDock - Centre for Social Impact 722 Cormorant Street, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Sponsored by the Dr. Leon Hammer Legacy Foundation Topics will include: Review of Large Segments of the Pulse Depth Calibration; the 26 Individual Primary and Complementary Positions Common Qualities found…

$325 – $450

Pulse Diagnosis – In Person Training

White Pine Healing Arts Clinic 86 Henry St, Amherst, Massachusetts

3 Day In-Person Workshop Friday, May 2 through Sunday, 4th in Amherst, MA 10am - 5PM Open to students who have taken Claus' 9-hour online pulse seminar. The seminar is…

$500 – $550

Comprehensive Foundations of Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis

Montréal, Québec, Canada Montréal, Québec, Canada

Sponsored by the Dr. Leon Hammer Legacy Foundation 21 NCCAOM PDAs approved This three-day, hands-on class will introduce students to the foundational concepts of the Shen-Hammer Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis…

$450 – $550
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